Thursday, March 19, 2015

March Madness Memories

To many March Madness involves basketballs
To us March marks the mad march of birthdays
Mamae's March 31st
Sogro April 8th
Meu Marido's March 20th,  Bruce's April 1st,  Bry's April 3rd,  Ash's April 7th,  Brendan's April22nd

          As I thought about March & the madness of  birthdays it ensues in our life
I thought about my dear siblings,
 as I often do as March approaches & winter ends
reminiscing forts, numb noses, and thawing toes in the living room.
and how strange it is that these people you grow up with,
grow separate lives in a few short years.
When did the transition from with to separate happen?

That sibling you knew inside and out,
laughed fought cried and hugged it out with...
Almost appears to have a complete other life you don't know about .
And it's nobodies fault & they're not shutting you out
Time just.. doesn't stop for anybody,
and before you know it we're not 8,6,4,&2
 we're grown.

My dad warned us & only now I get it...
it's all to bittersweet to  finally understand
 that from this point on physically growing up together will only be a memory

\\ Oh brother let me be very clear, so you don't for a SECOND get it twisted,
just because we may physically be living separate, doesn't mean I'm not with you.
I'm with you,
As  you are with me.
Our senses of humors, strengths, arguments, heartache, healing interests, history, opinions, beliefs,
are as intertwined as our DNA.
So dear brother in the madness of march, don't forget you are forever mine.
As things in everyday life flood me with child hood memories,
I am me because I was raised beside you. 
& as we live ( miles apart as it may be)
& as time goes by
I continue to be your sibling who is growing up with you//

Oh this month
this mad month of March
stops me in my tracks
as I revel in the memories of how March will forever serve
(beginning with husband then mother then brother, brother,sister n-love,father in-love)
as the kick off for the tidal waves of birthdays,that come crashing in full speed
 celebrating life & family, in all its madness
for years past and years  to come .

I cherish every moment of the madness of March because it shouts of family.
 because family can sometimes feel synonymous to madness
because family can sometimes get lost in the madness that is life.
but mainly because March is the month that marks
making time to BE with them
to make more memories
with my marching in madness family <3

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