Though a naturally excitable person about moving- and life in general -
the early bird in me was nowhere to be found,
so naturally I rolled over, pulled our duvet over my head, and drifted off into a deep sleep.
I woke up to a beautiful thing,
the inescapable truth that our two worlds had collided ,
the dream had become real and in the words of Billy Joel,
that we shouted out with glee - and perhaps a bit off key ;) - upon hearing the news,
we're MOVIN' OUT !!!!
So I sprung out of bed, grabbed my coffee,
and walked into our wardrobe-less spare oom.
Let filling moving boxes upon moving boxes begin;
As I laugh to myself suddenly I begin to recall something.
I can't shake the feeling of something ...someone ...
a muffled instruction I heard, just before entering that deep sleep, ...what wa-
it was Greg's voice... ru-roh,but what did he say??
As I tried really hard to backtrack & to remember the words he spoke,
I reached that moment where I just had to give up trying to remember,
then just like that, it came to me, as it often does,
immediately following the instant you stop trying. ( sidebar: the human brain never ceases to amaze me)
" Remember to only pack what we really need,
and throw as much as you can away"
This can be a tricky feat for a woman married to a man, much more simple & practical then she.
A man who would be quite content to live off of PB & J alone.
Now I'm no hoarder but I like things & the memories attached to them.
Who's to say what fits the quota for what is "necessary",
isn't measuring ones "need" rather relative.
In any case the task was assigned, so I did what I do best when I procrastinate: I ponder.
So what do we leave behind, what do we take?
Think like a realist; what is essential, beneficial, and useful?
What are the things that contribute to enhancing our quality of life?
Doesn't sound half bad this beloved realist of mine perhaps has a method to his madness
( it is not only the dreamers who are mad)
For I can't ask myself these questions & remain in the realm of materialistic things.
As much as it can exist now in the 21st century,
I teleport to a realm of memories,experiences, & lessons we've learned in our 1st home.
Filtering out
The Things We'll Leave Behind ;
- fear
- worry
- pride
- frustrations
- doubt
- control
- anxiousness
- miscommunications
- insecurity
- stress
Remembering our moments of frailty & humanity, having to cling onto our roots
- our Unshakable Love -
when we found we had ran ourselves dry & cold.
Remembering our Unshakable Love; is our supply, light, and nourisher.
Remembering instances of provision, joy, and relentless hope.
The Thing's We'll Take With Us
- instances of provision
- love
- kindness
- gratitude
- trust
- forgiveness
- laughter
- understanding
- hope
- prayer
- friendship
- adventure
I wonder what life would be like if we were as intentional on what we pack into our hearts each day,
as we are to pack when deciding what we'll take and leave behind for the move.
as we are to pack when deciding what we'll take and leave behind for the move.
So I'm still here .
As are the boxes,
some now filled; with pots, pans, tupperware, dishware, and all kinds of kitchen tools.
Yet some boxes remain to be filled,
because the clock doesn't slow down, life doesn't stop, we keep changing & learning.
Sometimes the easy way, sometimes the hard way
....and maybe you're really living each day
when you're figuring out more of the stuff to take with you
and more of what to leave behind.
We're meant to constantly grow
Our final two weeks here; we'll be living.
We will find some last minute throw away's that tried to sneak their way in,
as well as making last minute memories that will keep us young for years to come.
Some boxes empty, some full....
Our hearts full of the memories made, lessons learned, thing's we'll keep.
And the trash bin...
overflowing with the things we'll leave behind.
Rooted in Love,
Mrs. Dreamer Irving
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