Let's get real.
Because life is too short to be anything less than raw.
To whom it may concern;
This is for you.
this is for me
a letter.
a letter written to remind us
when we are at our ugliest.
If you've never been at this point
Congratulations! I genuinely applaud & respect you.
truly <3
But for those of us who struggle,
This ones for us.
Often I compare.
It's quite an ugly habit.
It's not a constant, but rather it happens in ebs & flows.
This strange mix of ungratefulness& comparison.
Sad but true, these thoughts invade my mind:
She's more rich.
She's more famous.
She's more successful.
She's better at this then me.
She's more ________.
So why bother?
Why bother cooking?
Why bother writing?
Why bother taking pictures?
Why bother _____.
It's a miserable thought process,
a yucky down word spiral,
that I'm not proud of,
because I know better.
But it happens.
So this entry is an attempt,
at a counterattack if you will.
To confront the UGLY & knock some sense into this mind of mine,& maybe yours
for times when its marinating in insecurity & defeat.
For you
for me
for us
who have so many blessings
& too often finds ourselves comparing.
I'm trying to really convey the depth of this ugly attitude.
Wondering why does this person get a, b, & c & not me
I'm just as kind
I'm just as lovely
I'm just as compassionate
But really the yuckiest part about it
is when I am so disoriented in the deceitful lies
that I have the nerve to say
" Well what is it God?
Do you love this person more than me?
Why do they get all that?"
I told you it gets pretty ugly
& thats when I realized God saying,
"My love for you isn't based on what I give you
& how DARE you think I love you less than your sister
just because I bless them differently"
This is a beautiful truth to face,
I am loved on the basis of WHO GOD IS, not what He gives to me,
yet having Him is more than enough.
A much needed wake up call, only scratching the surface of this issue.
So I continued to dig...
" Comparison is the Thief of Joy"- Theodore Roosevelt
I've known that quote for a while
& completely agree with it
So surely, according to this quote,
once I was grateful & content this whole internal struggle of mine, would no longer be an issue.
But yet the issue remained.
You see for myself I've found...
A huge portion of resolving this internal struggle is absolutely found in gratefulness.
but it also consists of the need to keep in perspective why I live.
Because by keeping in perspective why I live I have an answer to why bother?
When did the notion of needing to be the best at something in order to do it become a necessity?
I will never be the best writer, photographer, or chef.
But I will write, I will capture, I will cook.
What's the point then, if not to be the best?
At first,I thought I do these things because I enjoy them & they enrich my quality of life.
To create is one of the best gifts man kind has been given.
But the truth is, that reasoning is only a perk not a purpose.
I will write.
I will cook.
I will capture images.
Not to be the best but so that I may boast.
That I would boast in the Lord and make his name known.
That when people -if anyone- should read, see or taste my creations
they would in actuality be reading,seeing, and tasting the goodness of my Lord.
Because though I'd like to think so
" because it makes me happy" isn't a sufficient reason to keep doing what I love
because I could easily chicken out of doing those things
sadly out of fear of not being the best or being made famous.
BUT when it becomes about "making His name known",
I do what I enjoy wholeheartedly because my perspective is off of me.
When I redirect the why bother to the why I live,
I do what I enjoy - cook,write,photograph,etc. - knowing full well I'm not the best
BUT I choose to not coward out of using my gifts
because it would be a complete disservice to making Jesus known,if I were to not do them.
So when I or you or we find ourselves buying into the why bother?
I shouldn't cook or write or photograph or ___________because someone else is better
You don't have to be the Top Chef, Maya Angelou, or _____________
You just have to bother to dare to create,
even if we're not the best
because you matter.
& we matter to boast in Him.
Because we must not define ourselves by
who does what better
who has more
who is more .
Because we are worth somuch more than we could ever imagine,
& to not use the gifts we we were given would be doing a huge disservice to the true BEST there is.
" Watch Out ! Be on your guard against wantingto have more & more things.
Life is not made up of how much a person has"- Luke 12:15
"Let he who boasts boast in the Lord"
So please my friend DON'T LOSE FOCUS & get distracted with the enemy's nonsense.
DON'T let Him trip you up comparing yourself to the lives of others.
FOCUS ON WHAT YOU HAVE& not what you don't or didn't have.
REVEL in that.
It is your greatest romance, accomplishment, & adventure; BEING LOVED BY HIM.
May you find your identitiy & BOAST in his love all the days of your life.
Don't allow the lies of insufficiency & ingratitude contaminate your thinking & motives.
" Guard your heart with all diligence for it determines the course of your life" Proverbs 4:23
Why bother ? Why bother trying if theres always someone "more" or "better"?
When you find yourself lost as I did, flip your perspective from why bother to why do I live?
& here it is;
I live
You live
We live
not to be the best
but to use our life
to BOAST of Christ.
& that has been and forever will be more than enough
Rooted in Love,
Mrs.Dreamer Irving